Here is an artist who I think is tremendously talented. Susan Lishman.
Below are details from her website. For a short while I set up a Gallery and an Art Publishing company. Susan was very supportive. She now publishes a lot of her work as limited edition prints. If you have a healthy bank balance, I recommend buying one of her originals but for the mere mortals amongst us one of her prints represents great value for such a talented artist.

"I believe my work often reflects my childhood in Zimbabwe and previous career as a graphic designer. The subject matter varies widely. I am drawn to and inspired by shapes, how they connect and their relationship with one another, the 'spaces between'. Working mostly from memory and imagination, I use line, colour, pattern and contrast in an attempt to make the subject my own. I see the result as a 'graphic impression', a decorative celebration of nature.

Je crois que dans ma peinture on peut voir des reflets de mon enfance en Afrique, au Zimbabwe, et de ma carrière de graphiste. Les sujets varient énormément. Je suis attirée par les formes, comment elles s’associent, leurs rapports les unes avec les autres, les «espaces» qu’elles créent entre elles. Je travaille surtout de mémoire, ou par imagination, j’utilise le trait, la couleur, le motif et les contrastes pour personnaliser le sujet. Le résultat est pour moi une «impression graphique», une image qui est aussi un éloge à la nature."

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